Lorem ipsizzle dolor away amizzle, consectetuer pizzle elizzle. Nullizzle yo velizzle, check it out volutpizzle, quis, gravida vel, yo. Ma nizzle eget tortor. Sizzle eros. My shizz izzle dolizzle gizzle turpis tempizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle. Maurizzle pellentesque nibh izzle own yo'. Check it out in tortor. Pellentesque fizzle rhoncizzle nisi.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Shizzlin dizzle dapibus. You son of a bizzle tellizzle urna, pretizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle, ghetto ac, check it out vitae, nunc. Shizzlin dizzle suscipizzle. Integizzle sempizzle velit sizzle dizzle.
Step 1 - Register on ReflowX:
Sign up for an account on the ReflowX platform by visiting our website and completing the registration process.
Step 2 - Generate Unique Code:
After successfully creating an account, navigate to the affiliate section within your account dashboard. Here, you'll find an option to generate your unique referral code. Click on the "Generate Code" button to create your personalized code.
Step 3 - Distribute Code to Suppliers and OEMs:
Share your unique referral code with potential suppliers and OEMS within your network. This code serves as a special identifier linked to your account, allowing us to track referrals back to you accurately.
Step 4 - Request Code Submission:
Encourage suppliers and OEMs to use your unique referral code when listing their equipment on the ReflowX platform. They can input the code during the listing process to ensure proper attribution to your account.
Step 5 - Receive Commission Upon Successful Transaction:
Once the listed equipment is sold successfully through ReflowX and the transaction is complete, you will be eligible to receive a commission. The commission amount will be a percentage of the total sale value and will be credited to your account accordingly.